Environment comparison

In this comparison, we focus on the main similaritys of our three companies.

Macroeconomics forces

  • All of the three companies are concerned of the crisis. Indeed, it can affect companies and particulars' expenses.

  • The oil prices is one factor that can threaten the travel industrie. Increasing in the oil prices especially effect the Mobilitys cost, since one of their main ressources is oil using in the cars. Due to increase in flight tickets because of a increase in the oil prices, Club Med and Opodos business are also affected by that. Thus, since this is something that effect the whole industry the companies can propably still stay competitive.

Industry forces

  • Each company adapt to an extent they offers to the customers. For instance Mobility proposes different vehicle dependent on customer's needs, Club Med offer different stays according to the kind of customers: private or business and Opodo supply with different services to their two customer segments. However, their adaptation is not too distinguished from the industry competitors.

  • Media as a marketing tool has a huge influence on the travel industries'activities. Indeed, for instance, if media focus on environmental questions, it will have a positive impact on Mobility's business. People will be more aware of environmental issues and want to help with protecting the planet. Thus, they will reduce the use of their personal car for green transport. More generally, Media is one of the important tool in travel industry to attract new customers. For Club Med and Opodo, it can rely on media coverage to attract customers and sell them private or business journeys.

Key trends forces

  • Travel industry companies today focus more and more on protecting the environment. Indeed, Club Med favours local products and employees. Opodo has not yet incorporated a strategy in their business where they focus on the environment, which is one of their weaknesses. Mobility, considered as green transport, encourages people to use its services instead of their own car which is bad for the planet. Club Med and Mobility have therefore already implemented one of the big industry forces in their strategies.

  • One of the main trends in the travel industry is the eTourism. People use more Internet to book their trips especially in Club Med and Opodo. For Mobility, the customers have the opportunity to change their choice of rental hours quickly on the internet.

  • Another trend which inluence the travel industry is the mentality shift. People are more open minded to discover new places, to use new way to move. Indeed, they are less reluctant to travel. Moreover, they want more help to protect the planet and will therefore turn to the green transports as said before.

  • Neither Opodo or Club Med is today using smartphones applications, which they have to start incorporate in their strategy if they want to follow the market trends.

Market forces

  • The market the three companies are competing in is characterised by high switching costs. For Mobility, who have not any direct competitors in Switzerland, customers, who would like to reuse a personal car, will face high switching costs. Indeed, if a customer wants to give up mobility for another transport way, it will cost a lot for the person. Mobility has many unique advantages such as the park in downtown for instance. The situation is different for Club Med and Opodo. The switching costs are not that important in the beginning of the customers relationship to Club Med and Opodo. However, they become more high on long term, because of their knowledge in the field and the fact that people get more comfortable with the two companies.

  • In the travel industry, companies try to maintain a relation with their customers, for instance by sending e-mails, newsletters and the opportunity to sign up for a customer club. For instance Mobility send to their customers a newsletter each month and Club Med and Opodo have made a club for their customers.

  • Government decisions can impact travel industry, for instance, for Mobility, if there is a restriction in using cars in the city. For example make some cities, restrictions of using the car if the number of cars is to high during certain times. People are in these situations obliged to use public or green transport. This will have a positive impact on Mobility. For Club Med and Opodo which operates in many countries, new law concerning the protection of environment or taxes for instance can affect its business.

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