Analysis of the business environment of Club Med

Industry forces

  • The main actors of the tourism are the tour operators which imagine and elaborate the journeys.
    The marketing policy of the group is based on a customized marketing where one chooses his club, as you choose a holiday, in contrast to mass tourism.
    In travel industry, there is more and more a great saving which is made on the fixed costs.

  • The new concept of "Club Med Passworld Teen Access" offers teens a place designed and drawn for them.

  • High influence of the media on tourism. One study showed that 31% of people get their ideas in the travel magazines.

Key trends forces

  • Concerning the trends of the tourism industry, we noticed that people’s mentality has been shifted. Indeed, few years ago, people wanted only holidays to rest, to be quiet. But today, people want to take advantage of holidays for discovery. There is a really need of culture and adventure. People wants to have new experiences, to know the local culture (visit of museum, of monuments, of natural sites, of exposition, etc.), to discover landscapes, etc.

  • Besides, in this type of business, environment protection is more and more considered. With all the questions about global warming that have been emerged, people are more and more concerned with this problem. And because travelling produce a lot of pollution (for example, with airline transport), enterprises like Club Med have to take into account this problem in their offers.

  • Another trend is the fact that, today, people travel gladly with friends and less with family, especially young people. So the business travel must consider it and propose offers that target this kind of consumer. That’s what Club Med do with its “Club Med Passworld”.

  • And finally, let’s talk about the growing importance of the e-tourism. Internet really changed the way of preparing holiday or just a travel. People can easily find the best offers and make a choice at home Moreover, the presence on the web of the travel enterprise enable people to book a travel late (“Last minute” offers).

Market forces

  • In this kind of business, offers are often segmented according to the type of consumers. We can distinguish four main types of consumers: family, senior, couple and bachelor young people.

  • But consumers can also be segmented according to the type of the activities proposed. For example, business travelis growing in importance. There also exists sport travel, tourism of sailing, seaside tourism, tourism of mountain etc.

  • Finally, in this kind of market, the customer relationship is very important. Indeed, the travel business industry has to be welcomed and gentile with its clients because, if a client has a bad experience, it is easy for him/her to switch from one tour operator to another one.


  • Since 2000, the Club was not saved by the difficulties in which was confrontedthe sector of the tourism: war in Iraq, epidemic of pneumopathie atypical,threats and terrorist attacks, bad economic situation (crisis, rise of theprice of barrel of oil, …), etc.

  • The group emphasizes the use of locallabor. This allows him toforge ties with thepolitical institutions and the culture of hostcountries.

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