Can smartphone apps replace permanent airport signage?

Apps is not a new topic on our blog, and we will continue the research and keep follow future trends. The article below is a case from Frankfurt Airport, where Erwin Hoffman, business development manager, talks about using apps in the airport and future trends.
Frankfurt Airport has big success with the app. Since its introduction in August, more than 50,000 iPhone users have downloaded it, and between 2,500-3,000 passengers make use of it on a daily basis.

Quotes of Erwin Hoffman from the article:
“It will always be the case that you need signage,”

“Airports are very busy places and people can be very stressed out if they’re rushing for a flight. If you’ve got an electronic guide, this can make the process easier but it should be used to supplement signage, not replace it. In fact, if anything, airports should focus on continuing to improve signage.”

“I once heard someone say in a discussion that the smartphone will become a remote control for your life, and to an extent, I agree with this.” “Even if it won’t become the primary means of airport wayfinding, the smartphone app can still play an integral role in the overall airport experience.”

You can read the rest of the article here:

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