Empathy map - future costumer

We have created an empathy map of a future consumers thoughts. There will not be any explanation, you have to wait and see the presentation. Enjoy :)

After "Vélib" -> "Autolib"

Mobility becomes more and more important in cities !
In Paris, after "Vélib", there is a new way to drive now => using an electric car for a quick trip. 
We can book a car on a website, that's why Internet is the first way to interact for a transaction today. It's simple, fast and fun !

Discover Autolib : http://www.autolib.eu/.

World tourism > 1 billion in 2012

Next year the world will face over one billion tourists and latest by 2030, 1.8 billion people will travel internationally every year.

The increase in tourism is espected to be twice as large in developing countries than in developed countries. Countries in Asia, South America, Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa will on average have an increase of 30 million tourists a year, while developed countries will increase in average of 14 million a year.

In 2030, developing countries will have a market share of 58% and already by 2015 thies countries will have as many tourists as the developed countries.

(source: UNWTO)

Can smartphone apps replace permanent airport signage?

Apps is not a new topic on our blog, and we will continue the research and keep follow future trends. The article below is a case from Frankfurt Airport, where Erwin Hoffman, business development manager, talks about using apps in the airport and future trends.
Frankfurt Airport has big success with the app. Since its introduction in August, more than 50,000 iPhone users have downloaded it, and between 2,500-3,000 passengers make use of it on a daily basis.

Quotes of Erwin Hoffman from the article:
“It will always be the case that you need signage,”

“Airports are very busy places and people can be very stressed out if they’re rushing for a flight. If you’ve got an electronic guide, this can make the process easier but it should be used to supplement signage, not replace it. In fact, if anything, airports should focus on continuing to improve signage.”

“I once heard someone say in a discussion that the smartphone will become a remote control for your life, and to an extent, I agree with this.” “Even if it won’t become the primary means of airport wayfinding, the smartphone app can still play an integral role in the overall airport experience.”

You can read the rest of the article here:

Travel industry and social media

This presentation deals with the travel industries and social media and tries to explain that the online communities are very important to them, how this industries use social media... How the travel industry can maximise the power of social media
View more documents from agency:2

The 5 Stages of Travel by Google

Google will became a main actor of travel.

Google has the power of information and is the company that best knows the needs of customers who travel. By mixing several technologies including Google Maps, they built and improve an application to travel which will myabe completely redraw the travel industry in few years.

Global travel & tourism growth estimates downgraded for 2011-12

The global Travel & Tourism industry will grow more slowly in 2011 and 2012 than previously indicated, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council. (WTTC)

However, as can be seen in the diagram below the long-term forcast still looks bright.

For more information visit; http://www.4hoteliers.com/4hots_nshw.php?mwi=9275

Goggles : a new tourist guide !

Did you ever ear about Goggles ? This application for Android, created by Google and launched at the end of 2009, can be a new tourist guide type. It enables to make a research in Google by taking a photo. Imagine we are visiting a city abroad, and we want to have some information about a monument we are looking. We just take a photo of it and Goggles will find some links. Goggles can also be used for translation or to convert money. Well, it can be very useful for travelers !
But just look at these two videos.

This video present you how this application work :

This video is a concrete demonstration of Goggles :

PATA & Dragon Trail

The Pacific Asia Travel Association has signed a PATA Preferred Partner agreement with Dragon Trail, an award-winning digital marketing and travel technology company in Beijing.

The agreement aims to strengthen cooperation in the development of digital marketing, social media, and to support PATA’s activities in China.

“The understanding of China’s social media, online marketing and mobile is critical to the success of any travel industry brand. Dragon Trail’s focus on China, travel and digital will help PATA communicate with existing and prospective members to help build their business. The partnership is important, especially with the launch of the new PATA China Chapter later this year,”
/Mr Stu Lloyd, Senior Director, PATA

“We are very pleased to enter into a preferred partnership with PATA at a time when the travel world is looking to China. We are seeing a shift from traditional cookie-cutter tour groups to a new generation of Chinese traveller who wants individual and personal travel experiences. Partnering with PATA presents an important opportunity to educate international travel organisations about these emerging trends, and help leverage digital channels to seize the opportunity,”
/Mr Jens Thraenhart, President and Co-Founder of Dragon Trai

Source : Dragon Trail

On current trends, while the global economy is predicted to grow by 3.3% between 2010 and 2030, the number of aviation passengers looks set to grow by 4.2%.

What will change?

however, is who flies – and how.

(Source: http://www.forumforthefuture.com/)

Mobile applications for travel

Now we can't imagine a world without Internet. It's impossible. And we are becoming more and more dependent on Internet when we travel (this increase is linked at the fact that now we find a lot of free access points in countries).

First, in this movie (posted on Youtube one year ago), you will discover or rediscover several mobile applications for travel or think at the equivalent we have in our countries in Europe : )

And secondly, a more recent article which talks about "THE WORLD’S BEST MOBILE TRAVEL APPS 2011".

But the real question is "What is the future travel app" ? ; )

Additional links : 
Google queries "travel" explode on mobile !
The 10 Best Travel Apps
Ski mask of the Future
Six out of ten mobile users now downloading travel apps

Who needs online travel agencies?

What do customers want?

We have identified 4 main reasons why consumers may prefer online travel agencies insteade of booking their trip on their own, for instance through an airline site .

1. Quick and easy comparison of not just fares but itineraries on many different airlines at a glance.

2. Flexible date searches over a longer time periode.

3. Agiencies offer packages, were for instance a hotel plus a flight can be bought for half of what the flight alone costs. However today som airlines companies like SAS are trying to copie the concept of an agency.

4. For consumer that feel overwhelmed of all the information you can search on the internet an agency is a easier and faster way for them to find their trip.

Four scenarios for the future of tourism

The website www.forumforthefuture.org is a website of a non-profit organisation who works on a better and sustainable future world.
In this forum, they did an analysis and devised four scenarios about future tourism.

Boom and Burst from Forum for the Future on Vimeo.

Divided Disquiet from Forum for the Future on Vimeo.

Price and Privilege from Forum for the Future on Vimeo.

Carbon Clampdown from Forum for the Future on Vimeo.

Mobility Newsletter November 2011 - Promotion of carpooling

In the last Mobility newsletter (November 2011), we can see that there is a promotion of carpooling : www.carpooling.fr/.
Indeed, Mobility is very active to minimize the number of cars in the city and promotes the use of carpooling even if they are "competitors" or that it is an alternative service.

Between 4% and 5% growth in international tourist arrivals in 2011.

(Source: UNWTO)

Club Med SWOT-analysis

After the analysis of the environment, like for Opodo and Mobility, we made a SWOT analysis for the Club Med. You will find hereafter the strengths and weaknesses of Club Med and the opportunities and threats of its environment.

Mobility SWOT-analysis

After an environment analysis about Mobility few posts down, a swot analysis allows to see more clearly positive and negative elements. Our SWOT bellow :

Opodo SWOT-analysis

Opodo as a business has now been analysed and we have looked at the environment around the company and the industry. It's therefore now time to summarize it in a SWOT model.

Environment comparison

In this comparison, we focus on the main similaritys of our three companies.

Macroeconomics forces

  • All of the three companies are concerned of the crisis. Indeed, it can affect companies and particulars' expenses.

  • The oil prices is one factor that can threaten the travel industrie. Increasing in the oil prices especially effect the Mobilitys cost, since one of their main ressources is oil using in the cars. Due to increase in flight tickets because of a increase in the oil prices, Club Med and Opodos business are also affected by that. Thus, since this is something that effect the whole industry the companies can propably still stay competitive.

Industry forces

  • Each company adapt to an extent they offers to the customers. For instance Mobility proposes different vehicle dependent on customer's needs, Club Med offer different stays according to the kind of customers: private or business and Opodo supply with different services to their two customer segments. However, their adaptation is not too distinguished from the industry competitors.

  • Media as a marketing tool has a huge influence on the travel industries'activities. Indeed, for instance, if media focus on environmental questions, it will have a positive impact on Mobility's business. People will be more aware of environmental issues and want to help with protecting the planet. Thus, they will reduce the use of their personal car for green transport. More generally, Media is one of the important tool in travel industry to attract new customers. For Club Med and Opodo, it can rely on media coverage to attract customers and sell them private or business journeys.

Key trends forces

  • Travel industry companies today focus more and more on protecting the environment. Indeed, Club Med favours local products and employees. Opodo has not yet incorporated a strategy in their business where they focus on the environment, which is one of their weaknesses. Mobility, considered as green transport, encourages people to use its services instead of their own car which is bad for the planet. Club Med and Mobility have therefore already implemented one of the big industry forces in their strategies.

  • One of the main trends in the travel industry is the eTourism. People use more Internet to book their trips especially in Club Med and Opodo. For Mobility, the customers have the opportunity to change their choice of rental hours quickly on the internet.

  • Another trend which inluence the travel industry is the mentality shift. People are more open minded to discover new places, to use new way to move. Indeed, they are less reluctant to travel. Moreover, they want more help to protect the planet and will therefore turn to the green transports as said before.

  • Neither Opodo or Club Med is today using smartphones applications, which they have to start incorporate in their strategy if they want to follow the market trends.

Market forces

  • The market the three companies are competing in is characterised by high switching costs. For Mobility, who have not any direct competitors in Switzerland, customers, who would like to reuse a personal car, will face high switching costs. Indeed, if a customer wants to give up mobility for another transport way, it will cost a lot for the person. Mobility has many unique advantages such as the park in downtown for instance. The situation is different for Club Med and Opodo. The switching costs are not that important in the beginning of the customers relationship to Club Med and Opodo. However, they become more high on long term, because of their knowledge in the field and the fact that people get more comfortable with the two companies.

  • In the travel industry, companies try to maintain a relation with their customers, for instance by sending e-mails, newsletters and the opportunity to sign up for a customer club. For instance Mobility send to their customers a newsletter each month and Club Med and Opodo have made a club for their customers.

  • Government decisions can impact travel industry, for instance, for Mobility, if there is a restriction in using cars in the city. For example make some cities, restrictions of using the car if the number of cars is to high during certain times. People are in these situations obliged to use public or green transport. This will have a positive impact on Mobility. For Club Med and Opodo which operates in many countries, new law concerning the protection of environment or taxes for instance can affect its business.

Analysis of the business environment of Club Med

Industry forces

  • The main actors of the tourism are the tour operators which imagine and elaborate the journeys.
    The marketing policy of the group is based on a customized marketing where one chooses his club, as you choose a holiday, in contrast to mass tourism.
    In travel industry, there is more and more a great saving which is made on the fixed costs.

  • The new concept of "Club Med Passworld Teen Access" offers teens a place designed and drawn for them.

  • High influence of the media on tourism. One study showed that 31% of people get their ideas in the travel magazines.

Key trends forces

  • Concerning the trends of the tourism industry, we noticed that people’s mentality has been shifted. Indeed, few years ago, people wanted only holidays to rest, to be quiet. But today, people want to take advantage of holidays for discovery. There is a really need of culture and adventure. People wants to have new experiences, to know the local culture (visit of museum, of monuments, of natural sites, of exposition, etc.), to discover landscapes, etc.

  • Besides, in this type of business, environment protection is more and more considered. With all the questions about global warming that have been emerged, people are more and more concerned with this problem. And because travelling produce a lot of pollution (for example, with airline transport), enterprises like Club Med have to take into account this problem in their offers.

  • Another trend is the fact that, today, people travel gladly with friends and less with family, especially young people. So the business travel must consider it and propose offers that target this kind of consumer. That’s what Club Med do with its “Club Med Passworld”.

  • And finally, let’s talk about the growing importance of the e-tourism. Internet really changed the way of preparing holiday or just a travel. People can easily find the best offers and make a choice at home Moreover, the presence on the web of the travel enterprise enable people to book a travel late (“Last minute” offers).

Market forces

  • In this kind of business, offers are often segmented according to the type of consumers. We can distinguish four main types of consumers: family, senior, couple and bachelor young people.

  • But consumers can also be segmented according to the type of the activities proposed. For example, business travelis growing in importance. There also exists sport travel, tourism of sailing, seaside tourism, tourism of mountain etc.

  • Finally, in this kind of market, the customer relationship is very important. Indeed, the travel business industry has to be welcomed and gentile with its clients because, if a client has a bad experience, it is easy for him/her to switch from one tour operator to another one.


  • Since 2000, the Club was not saved by the difficulties in which was confrontedthe sector of the tourism: war in Iraq, epidemic of pneumopathie atypical,threats and terrorist attacks, bad economic situation (crisis, rise of theprice of barrel of oil, …), etc.

  • The group emphasizes the use of locallabor. This allows him toforge ties with thepolitical institutions and the culture of hostcountries.

References :

Analysis of the business environment of Opodo

Key trends

  • Increasing trends of using apps and alternative ways for people booking travels on the mobile etc. which could be a threat for Opodo.

  • Smartphone penetration is expected to reach 92% in Europe by 2014 with mobile phones set to overtake PC’s as the most common web access device worldwide.

  • There will be power shift from search engine to smartphone manufactures.

  • The first consumers using the smartphone were business travelers but now the leisure consumers are also catching up.

  • Green environment. Consumers’ interests for the green environment are still increasing and the consumers not only want to improve themselves through fitness, healthcare etc., they also wants to improve others and the environment.

  • An important development for Opodo is that there is a rise of travel and tourism reservations through social networks applications such as Facebook etc. It has already been shown that a markeeting tool as Facebook is important and idicates higher sales both for the companies in travel and tourist industry.

  • Travel retails are expected to stagnate because of the past global economic crisis.

  • Europen travel and tourism and week performance because of the crisis.

  • Traditional airlines are becoming more and more similar in strategy with the budget airlines, using extended service offerings.

  • The future trend in the hotel industry looks similar to the above mentioned, more and more hotels are charging for extended services.

Industry forces

  • The competitors are other companies doing the same as Opodo, like ebookers etc. But it’s also the hotels, fly companies, car rentals and travel agencies.

  • Travelmarket has introduce a "charge measure" for thier customers.

  • The new entrants in the market are the travel companies focusing on new technology to use in the industry. (As we identified in key trends)

  • The substitute products and services are the same as the competitors.

  • It can also be some alternative travel agencies for the costumers there want to experience unusual destinations and more challenging activities when traveling.

  • The same as the competitors and the substitute products and services.

  • Workers – employees. Important to keep the good relationship with the customers.

  • Shareholders – the biggest are: Amadeus 55.36% and Air France, British Airways and Lufthansa 10.24% each.

  • As well the IATA has made a promise to cut the carbon dioxide emission by 50% unto 2050.

  • Tourist industry is as well working strong with SCR.

Macro Economic forces

  • GDP is stagnating.

  • Increased unemployment.

  • Indication of a huge future demand for employees to the airline industry.

  • Oil price increasing which leads to more expensive flight tickets. This is a vital factor since the cost of fuel stands for 1/3.

  • From the start of 2012 the EU airlines will need to pay for their emissions. Which can lead to more expensive air travel.

Market forces

  • The major key issue for Opodo is the huge shift in the way consumers have to search and book their travel.

  • The biggest growth potential is in the leisure segment ( arrow from the key trends to the market segment)

  • Because of the costumer’s opportunity to compare prices on the net, it’s important for opodo to keep searching for the best package for their customers.

  • The customers wants an easy and fast way to book their.

  • The switching costs are high because of the key issue described in the “market issue”.

  • Because the costumers easily can find and purchase cheaper products and services, the largest margin for Opodo could be archived in the relationship to the customers. To hold on to the loyal customers they have to keep developing the good relationship with both the business and the private customers through customer contacts and services and their customer club.

  • Further trends in the airline industry is increased demand for employees and airplanes. Which indicates of a good future for airplain makers such as Airbus and Boing. The increase demand is mainly due to population growth (forecast of twice as many will be flying in 20 years). However, the profit margin for the industry lie only around 1% and are expected to decrease in 2012 to 0,8% because of oil price and country crises. Business customers are declining.

Opodo homepage
Dagens Industri

Analysis of the business environment of Mobility

Industry forces

  • Mobility hasn't got so much competitors but «e-covoiturage» (www.e-covoiturage.ch) is the only one direct competitor in Switzerland. In this company, anyone can suggest a car on a trip and people may indicate that he would like to carsharing on the sameroute. In e-covoiturage company, the car belongs to a customer, unlikeMobility, which owns the car (now Mobility has 26000 vehicles).

  • To conclude with the last part, Mobility is the leader of small trips (carsharing) in Switzerland and has an excellent reputation in Europe.

  • Mobility provides an adapted offer to customer (an adapted car at a personalized time slot).

  • The main substitutes services are public transportation (TSOL, TPG, etc.), train companies (SBB-CFF) and car-rental companies (Hertz,Avis, etc.). It’s important to note that these companies are also crucial partners of Mobility. Taxis may be substitutes too, but very expensive.

  • About the stakeholders, the government (or federation) is important and influential. Because, they have the power to tax cars or not, to make urban tolls or highlight Mobility that helps improve the environment. Media can influence people too if articles are ecology oriented.

  • Finally, the important suppliers are carmakers, parkings, insurances and technologic partners (inside cars).

Key trends

  • The main important technology trend is the electric car for Mobility. Indeed, car manufacturers are building more and more hybrid or electric cars. This electric technology is needed by clients of mobility because they are sensitive to the ecology.

  • In add on the web application, Mobility provides a mobile application (to book a car everywhere). They knew how to make best use of technology trends.

  • Last months, the ecology and the environment required a lot of attention (less now with the crisis). For two reasons (respect of ecology and environment), Mobility customers think that using carsharing is to be responsible and respectful.

  • Nowadays population is young but less attached to the car because it's very expensive (this trend enter in Europe and strongly affects Japan car manufacturers companies).

  • Finally, in geographic coverage, Mobility is very present in towns and less in rural zone. So most areas will be covered in a few years.

Market forces

  • Mobility offers four months to try the service. In addition we have read that Mobility have loyal and very satisfied customers (results of surveys). So we think that Mobility has a high switching cost (this is reinforced by the fact that there is no direct competitor).

  • About the main market segments, private and business customers are very important. They don’t pay large sums of money but these sums are quite regular (kilometers and time slot payments for each booking).But the segment which consists of other Europe countries or cities is interesting because it can grow in future years.

  • The main needs of customers are car safety and save money (if we use Mobility, we save money compared to the cost when you have a personal car).

  • About demands, it continues to grow and Mobility reached 100,000 carsharers in 2011.

  • To conclude, we have found a risk about government law and protection of environment. If government provides a law or taxes against the CO2 emission, it can be positive or negative for Mobility. Positive if cars are banned in the city but not for carsharing Mobility. Negative if all cars (Mobility cars too) are banished from the city.

Macro economic forces

  • Overall, although there is a crisis now, people attach more importance to the ecology.

  • The cost of oil may attract more customers (costs become too high) and it may also weaken Mobility.

  • About the other resources, we have a big motorway network, a lot of parkings, etc. So Mobility can be used everywhere.

  • Last months and with the cost of euros, it can be easier to import cars from Europe to Switzerland.

  • Bank environment in Switzerland is good, so Mobility has a possibility to borrow money from the bank (there is bank security in Switzerland).


- Mobility website
- Informations about Mobility
- Annual and sustainability report 2010
- Survey about the swiss population (graphic page 7)
- Cost of oil and mobility in Switzerland analysis
- Article about young people and cars in Japan
- Article about young people and cars in Europe
- Article about young people and cars
- Banking in transition – future prospects for banking in Switzerland
- Article about urban tolls in Geneva

Work in progress

Just wanted to share some pictures with you all, from our group work-day the 2nd of November. The day ended with the result you can see in the last picture. A lot of colorful post-it’s on a table in the canteen of Antrophole :)

"This year’s theme is a celebration of tourism’s role in linking together the cultures of the world through travel. With millions of people travelling the world each year, never before have so many people been to so many places, nor been so exposed to other cultures. This interaction between individuals and communities, and their diverse cultures, leads to tolerance, respect and mutual understanding - the building blocks for a more peaceful world."

(Source: http://wtd.unwto.org/en)

Opodo Business Model

Why this company?
We wanted to analyze Opodo because the company is the leading online travel company in Europe. It operates in 9 countries and the company goal is to give the customer the tools and information to plan and book a travel, which here includes flight, hotel, car hiring etc. Compare to other companies in their field they also focus the business on the business segment and a high level of customer service.


Business model description

Customer segments
Opodo has two types of customer segments, the private customers and the business customers.

Customer relationships
Compare to other companies in their field, they have a customer service team, especially to the business customers. So the customer service and the co-creation, describes the relationship they have to their customers. Besides that they have also self service, which many of their customers use. Opodo have also created a community for their customers with the blog ohMyGlobe.com.

There are two types of main channels, the first one is the sales force, handling especially the business customers and then there are web sales, where people can book trips online. Some other channels to mention are blog and newsroom.

Value proposition
Their main value proposition is "get more out of travel", and Opodo describes themselves as the best partner to do that. To support people in making the right travel decision they have a customer service team, there are available to help 7 days a week, which is another of their value proposition. Opodo have the knowledge and experience to give the right recommendation to their customers. They have a wide selection of travels and therefore they can provide their customers with made-to-measure state to some affordable prices because of their competitiveness with their prices.

Key activities
One of the most important key activities is the platform/software, because it's here the biggest part of the company is selling the travels. So without the platform there will be no business. Besides that they also have this service team doing customer support etc. Opodo have a lot of partners so one of their key activities is to take care of them and make sure that they maintain the good relationship with them.

Key ressources
To maintain Opodo’s most important key activities, the platform, they need some resources to do that, so therefore the it-system is one important key resource. And the same count for the service team, so the second important key resources Opodo have is customer supports.

Key partners
Opodo has many partners and the business depends in a high level of them. Some of the key partners are; airline companies, hotels, travel insurance, car hire agency and travel guides. They have chosen to partner with leading travel guides, to provide their customers with details on hundreds of worldwide destinations.

Cost structure
The main costs of Opodo are the people, because of the wages, partner cost and the last thing is to maintain the IT-system.

Revenue streams
Opodo's main source of revenue comes from the online sales and the customer service team sales.

Club Med Business Model

Why this company?
Nowadays Club Med is one of the major actors of the tourism. It is the world leader of vacation villages with more than 100 villages in every corner of the world. Club Med proposes trips for all ages and for all tastes by having programs by the sea to winter programs. Club Med uses Internet as their main communication tools with it's customers.


Business model description

Customer segments
The main customers of Club Med are travelers and holiday maker. The travelers can be private/family, business people, teenagers among others.

Customer relationships
Club Med maintains privileged relation with its customers. It’s personal relationship. Club Med knows how their customers are, what their expectations are. Club Med suggest to their best customers to belong to “Club Med Great Member” group.

There are three main types of channel: Internet (meta search site), Direct selling multichannel (online booking of hotel, telephone booking), Channel intermediaries (tour operators, travel agencies, incentive organizations).

Value proposition
The proposition value of Club Med is “living together”. It’s based on tolerance, mutual interest involving people from very different backgrounds, religions, nationalities and walks of life. It’s also based on traditional values of quality and satisfaction. It leads to happiness, fun and enjoyment of the natural world.

Key activities
The main activity of Club Med is to make turn the 100 Villages (Sports, relaxation, animations and gastronomy) which are present on 5 continents.

Key ressources
The main key resources to Club Med are employees, material, building. Club Med can rely on its staff to put on the village activity among others.

Key partners
The main types of customers are travel agencies and tourist offices. Besides they are providers (for airlines transport, for support, for consumption goods, etc.). Indeed Club Med is a company which needs several resources to make its activities go on. For instance, Club Med integrates flight in its packages that’s why it has to collaborate with airline transport.

Cost structure
The main costs of Club Med are purchases, external services, wages. It’s mainly attribute to Village activities. These activities required a lot of utilities and employee. The marketing department also requires many costs.

Revenue streams
The main source of revenue for Club Med comes from the Village activity.

Mobility Business Model

Why this company?

We wanted to analyze Mobility to study a company very different from the other two (Club Med or Opodo). Mobility is a very innovating company, the number of users of car sharing is increasing every year. We consider that, in our context of study "travel industry", Mobility provide short trips for its users with car-sharing.It’s not the same concept of Hertz or car rental companies where we must book a car for a long time (2 days for example). With Mobility, we can choose to book a car during 2 hours.


Business model description

Customer segments
There are four types of customers: private customers, members of the cooperative (members must invest money in Mobility), business customers (companies...) and countries (who buy MobiSys platform).

Customer relationships
There are two types of relationships: an automated service for the first three customers and a personnalised service for the integration of the platform in the countries.

The channels are the website or the mobile platform to do an online reservation (click and drive) of a car and the mobile phone to receive the sms confirmation with the description of the reservation.

Value proposition
The general value proposition is « Having a car at any time ». The customers can have a car when they want but it’s not their car.

Key activities
The platform is very important because all reservations are made on it (or more rarely by phone). The other key activity is the negociation with all the partners (for the cars, for oil, for parkings...).

Key ressources
Firstly the material ressources, we have the web and mobile platforms, cars and parks, all the technology inside the cars (small computer used to activate the car when the customer places his Mobility card on the windshield). And secondly, Mobility need human ressources for all the assistance with the customers (if a problem occurs with the car for example). We don’t know if Mobility has a patent for its platform MobiSys.

Key partners
There are a lot of key partners. First of all, the automakers (with car technology too), the oil companies and the parkings are very important. In a second part, the insurers or breakdown companies like TCS can help if a problem occurs with a car. Thirdly, we are the travel partners like Hertz or SBB-CFF (for a better visibility). And to conclude, the other partners (Migros, public transportation for example) that allow customers to have reductions.

Cost structure
The main costs are for the platform, cars, parks, oil. Not forgetting the cost of contracts with partners.

Revenue streams
Firstly, the customers pay an annual subscription with an optional insurance (for cars). But they pay also the cost of the reservation (hours and kilometers) each month. Secondly, we have investments of members of the cooperative (less frequently). Thirdly, Mobility obtains profits from partners. And finally, Mobility has paid for purchases of platform (by countries).